
Couple Taking SelfieYes, believe it or not you’re more probable to die from taking a selfie in comparison to dying from a shark attack.

Unlike the made up drama from the infamous Shark Week, people all around the world are going to great lengths to photograph the perfect picture of themselves in extreme situations. According to BBC News, a Japanese tourist fell to his death a few weeks ago while he posed for a selfie at the Taj Mahal Royal Gate.

According to a report published by Mashable most selfie injuries occur because people are climbing to dangerous heights to achieve the best angle for the picture. The report also revealed that many people have been killed by trains because they try to get a picture with the train or climb on equipment that ends up costing them their life because of the safety precautions they’re not adhering to.

People are so compelled to achieve “likes” that they’re willing to do just about anything to capture the moment. CBS Sports reports a man attempting to get an animal selfie was killed in August because he knowingly stepped into an unprotected area at the annual running of the Bulls event to take a selfie with a bull that was behind him. However, because he was focused on the screen he misjudged how fast the animal was approaching, one of them gored and killed him.

And with the new technologies that the GoPro provides, many dare devils are jumping illegal cliff jumps and other extremities.

SharkIn comparison, only eight people have died as a result of a shark attacks in 2015 according to Conde Nast Traveler. That single digit number may seem surprising considering the amount of shark sightings in the waters of North Carolina, South Africa, Australia, California, Florida, and Maui. However, the recent statistics have caused theme parks and other major venues like museums, zoos, and festivals around the world are also restricting tourists from taking distracting selfies. For example, Disney parks have banned selfie sticks from their parks due to the possibility of danger that is associated with them.

Russia has even gone as far to launch a public-safety campaign that warns young people about the dangers of extreme selfies. The campaign motto is “Even a million ‘likes’ on social media are not worth your life and well-being.”

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