
To health advocate and “Dancing with the Stars” competitor, Suzanne Somers—this is personal. Her husband was diagnosed with Pre-Parkinson’s twice, and Somers was diagnosed with cancer through her body. What doctors discovered was Somers had fungus in her lungs that read like cancer. Her husband, Alan, also was suffering from the black mold in the house, and other pollutants. The family reclaimed their health by detoxing, and living a greener life. Somers examines the assault on our bodies daily from exposure to chemical toxins that range from paints to plastics in our homes and in our environments in her book, TOX-SICK. She is right.  

For example: Wondering why you can’t lose weight? It’s not the calories, it’s the chemicals, Somers explains in this ground-breaking book. To keep toxins and chemicals away from precious organs and glands, the body stores them in our fat cells-- the more toxins you ingest/are exposed to, the more fat you need to store them.

The vibrant, and inspiring actress explains to Beliefnet, how to survive in a toxic world, and more.

Beliefnet: Why are you so passionate about helping others regain their health?

Suzanne Somers: I am witnessing the absence of wisdom from our seniors. Most of them are so pilled up, they can’t remember names or dates or places they’ve visited and they sure do not share any wisdom since that element that used to come naturally to seniors, is gone. I want to share what I know and how I live with others who are hoping to enjoy a long and healthy life.

Beliefnet: What are the biggest lies we believe about toxins, our food, and how the environment influences our health?

Suzanne: The biggest lies are that the small amounts of poison in our foods and water, in the air, our carpeting, our furniture, our babies’ cribs, etc., etc., are so small, there is nothing to worry about. Believe me, we should all worry…a lot. Renowned brain surgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock told me that the average person is ingesting what he describes as a half to full teaspoon of rat poison every day. Think about that and worry!!

Beliefnet: What practical ways do you detox, and how can our readers do the same?

Suzanne: Read “TOX-SICK,” my newest book that describes in great detail my detox formula, including a coconut oil cleanse. It’s work to stay healthy, but a lot more work to be sick.

Beliefnet: When did you decide to take charge of your health?

Suzanne: Fifteen years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I turned down chemo and the harsh drugs and decided to eat like my life depended on it and go on Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’s detox program. I eat only organic food and grow much of it myself. I’m encouraging people to go organic and avoid GMOs, genetically modified foods. I am opening the Suzanne Somers Organic Spa Café and the Suzanne Somers Spa at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino. I will be performing there for 28 weeks over the course of the next year and have provided a way for health seekers to eat clean fresh organic food, enjoy all the skin care, hair care and color cosmetics from my SUZANNE Organics cosmetics line and then catch my show. We open May 23rd and you can check my Las Vegas appearance calendar at suzannesomers.com. This is the only hotel in Las Vegas that recognizes our underserved demographic of those folks who want to eat organic and live a healthy life.

Beliefnet: What really inspires and encourages you regarding your health, and life?

Suzanne: I have great love in my life…my husband, my children, and my grandchildren. I also love my work. I want to stay healthy to enjoy all of this as long as possible. So, I have a formula I live by with no drugs, lots of supplements determined by blood test at lef.org/goodhealth and my coterie of doctors from foreverhealth.com who specialize in my kind of medicine.

Beliefnet: When preparing for “Dancing with the Stars,” what do you do to increase energy, and maintain a healthy mindset?

Suzanne: I did nothing extra to prepare for “DWTS” although I did wear my energy patches from LifeWave every day. I agreed to do it, so that my readers could see that this 68-year-old woman can easily keep up with the 20 year olds on the show…and that’s exactly what I did. I work 12 hours a day, often seven days a week, and have no intention of retiring or even slowing down. It all agrees with me.

Beliefnet: What has been the best advice ever given to you?

Suzanne: As the daughter of a violent and abusive alcoholic, as a child, I always attempted to achieve perfection in everything, thinking that if life was perfect, Daddy would stop drinking. My husband, Alan, has told me many times that there is no perfection in life. All you can do is your very best. That was great advice I had not thought of and it instantly removed the perfection gene.

Beliefnet: What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned in your health and in your life?

Suzanne: The most important message I learned in life relative to my health, is that nobody will care about your health more than you and only you can decide which direction you wish to take. You are the general contractor and your doctors are the sub contractors. You assemble all the information and then you tell your doctor what you wish to do.

Beliefnet: What is your favorite thing to do to relax and get away from the spotlight?

Suzanne: I really love being in my home. When Alan and I take a week off, we clear the house of the housekeepers and Alan tells the office not to contact us unless it’s an emergency. We then get normal. Alan cooks breakfast and I cook lunch and dinner. Alan clears the table and does the dishes. I often do the laundry. We go for long hikes in the San Jacinto Mountains and on the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation and we just hang out with each other. At dusk, we meet at our outdoor bar, have a tequila and watch the moon come up. Alan’s dream is to one day live in a house with no help…maybe when we each work fewer hours.

Beliefnet: Can you give our readers the best ways to gain control over their health?

Suzanne: Everything I know about achieving peak health and maintaining it is in my books. It’s complicated but worth it. You will sleep eight hours nightly, lose all the unwanted weight, have boundless energy, restore a lost libido, think clearly with no brain fog and forgetfulness, eat nutritious and delicious meals of grass-fed steak topped off with a big pad of butter, fresh organic vegetables (I grow my own), organic lamb, pork and chicken. And organic fruit that has not been sprayed with poison. It will be a life worth living. You will be able to pass on your wisdom, which includes your lifestyle of robust health. I can remember my parents saying as I was growing up…”As long as you have your health,” and I would roll my eyes. It’s true. Without health, you have nothing.

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