2024-07-01 2024-07-01

There are benefits to vent angry and here is why. We’ve been taught that doing things in moderation is important, and allowing anger to flow sometimes is healthy.

Why? Think of it as a pressure cooker. What happens when the water and food has nowhere to go?

It boils over. Simple, but the illustration is true to life when we keep everything inside, never speak our minds, and allow situations to fester—this could damage our minds and bodies.

There are times and places to discuss feelings, but sometimes we need to just vent. If we use positive confrontation instead of exploding anger, we will feel better. But an old fashion rant is necessary, just don’t do it in the heat of the moment. Researchers say anger is good for you.

They found that people who deal with stress with short-term anger were happier. They found that anger is healthier than fear--I am not making this up!

Scientists at the Department of Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University studied when they followed people’s reaction to fear elevated blood pressure, and other biological responses the school reported. People who became anger exposed to the same stressors had a lower response.

“Anger can sometimes be adaptive. We’re showing for the first time that when you are in a situation that is maddening and in which anger or indignation are justifiable responses, anger is not bad for you,” lead researcher Jennifer Lerner said. Fear and anger can trigger different responses from different parts of out brain.

Stuffing our emotions leads to depression. The reason is this self-pity, and not expressing yourself overtime allows you to internalize everything. So, admit you’re angry and try not to obsess over it. Accept that bad things happen and there is injustice.

Psychology Today reported:

“Anger is the result of beliefs that lead you to place unreasonable demands on circumstances, such as, that life must be fair. Unfairness exists. The belief that you are entitled to fairness results from the mistaken idea that you are special.”

 Ignoring the pain and anger will hurt the body. The stomach, digestive system and you risk the cardiovascular system. Holding in your emotions can cost your life, sending those fight-or-flight overwhelms the body and it reacts. This can also trigger hives, migraines, overall pains, and anxiety.

Research suggests that stress also can bring on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases.

“Stress also becomes harmful when people use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to try to relieve their stress. Unfortunately, instead of relieving the stress and returning the body to a relaxed state, these substances tend to keep the body in a stressed state and cause more problems.”

Here is what you can do:

There are things you can’t control. People or events, will influence. Learn how you can become more resilient. Learn to adjust expectations. Ask for help if depression and if emotions are out of control. Go for a run, a walk, or write feelings down, rant through the pen! We don’t know what the future will be as much as we desire to control it. Look at what you’ve overcome in the past-- this will help you through trials.

Focus on what you can do today for your body, spirit and mind. Allow a change in mindset to happen, and take place to live in the present. Everything will take time and work, but having more tools at hand will make dealing with emotions a lot better.

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