Are You Wise Yet?
There’s an old saying that goes “with age comes
wisdom.” But not necessarily. When the dictionaries define “wisdom”, they
cite such qualities as “discernment,
and sageness”. (Merriam-Webster)
While these may appear to come naturally to some as
they age, they are not givens. For most
of us, they are hard-won, indeed, born of meeting and overcoming multiple
challenges over long periods of time.
Where some of us become victims of life’s circumstances, others become
wise. This ability to transcend the up’s
and down’s takes faith, spiritual discipline and grace. Here are 7 signs you are becoming wise.
Carol Orsborn, Ph.D. is Founder of FierceWithAge, the Digest of Boomer Wisdom,
Inspiration and Spirituality. Dr. Orsborn, who
earned her doctorate in religion from Vanderbilt University, is the
best-selling author of 21 books including her newest book: Fierce with Age: Chasing God and Squirrels in Brooklyn. (Spring 2013) Dr. Orsborn is a
sought after speaker/retreat leader and spiritual director.