Take in the Sun Rays - Your Solar Battery Is On Low
According to a Harvard University study, taking in sunlight first thing will have a positive impact on the retina that leads to better focus and energy production in the brain. If you live in an area that is not producing bright sunlight every morning, it might be a good idea to invest in a bright indoor light.
Or…make sure you sit near a window for 20 minutes during the day. Take a 15 minute walk (Layer up if you have to – buy a -40 degree coat if you must; but get outside in the winter, too).
How will this help you to permanently remove those extra layer of fat? If you are energized, feeling good, hydrated, smiling and taking in deep breaths of life, you will not gravitate towards food!
Food is a form of self-medication. If you don’t need to be medicated, you don’t need food (in excess).