Solar Plexus Chakra
You have your own built-in lie detector. It sits in your gut where your third chakra is. This chakra is called the Solar Plexus Chakra. It sits a few inches above your navel. When people cross their arms in front of their chest, they are subconsciously covering this chakra and thereby protecting themselves. Its color is yellow. The Solar Plexus Chakra deals with issues of personal power, courage and confidence. Fear of authority, low self-esteem and fears of being alone are stored here. People who tend to put on weight in this area of their body often do so to feel protected and safe.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is where our Clairsentient abilities resides. When people say things like, “I just have a feeling about it” or “My gut says something isn’t right” or “I sense that something is off about this situation,” that is their clairsentient ability working through the Solar Plexus Chakra. Everyone has this ability, but like any muscle you can make it stronger by listening to your gut and following your instincts. Trust your first impressions about people. Follow your inner compass when you’re lost. If you’re getting a good feeling about a job or a bad feeling about a situation, trust it. The more you do so, the stronger this intuitive ability will get.
Physically, hula hooping and dancing are great for this chakra as is walking and running. Chanting the mantra Ram helps to balance it. Inhaling or diffusing Cinnamon or Peppermint oil are also helpful. Recommended crystals to support this center include Citrine, Sun Stone, Yellow Calcite and Tiger’s Eye.