For many of us, cleaning is a part of life. We clean our bodies, our homes, and our clothes. We clean our workstations, our pets, and even our cars. It is just understood that in the course of living life things get dirty and need to be cleansed and disinfected on a regular basis. But notice how these are all external things. How many of us take time to clean out our internal state? How many regularly cleanse our souls?
You might be wondering what a soul cleanse is exactly. Well, think about it. Just like filth and grime attaches itself to the body throughout the day, negative attitudes and thoughts can attach to the soul. We absorb so much more than we even realize. We absorb the annoyed feeling of someone's Facebook status update. We absorb the anxiety of someone not responding to our text. We absorb the stress of the morning commute and the sadness of a news story. We absorb the grouchy attitude of our partner and the embarrassment from that socially awkward moment with a stranger. We might absorb the hurt of a friend blowing off plans at the last minute, or the disappointment of not getting the job. It can be anything, really. Even if we believe those experiences do not really get into us, they still get onto us from time to time. And the normal life moments that get onto us, can also stick with us after a while if we do not regularly and intentionally release them. Here are several ideas for ways to cleanse your soul.