The good versus bad concept does not just apply to food. You want to start to eliminate it from your self-concept as well. You can do this by practicing non-judgment. A non-judgmental stance is when you remove all labels, opinions, judgments, or biases and simply notice what is. It focuses more on facts than feelings. For example, if you struggle to lift a certain weight on a given day you might say to yourself, “This feels challenging,” rather than, “I stink at weight lifting.” Another example might be, rather than saying, “I feel fat. I’m a fat cow,” you could say, “I feel the tightness of my clothes around my midsection,” With non-judgment, it is not about denying reality. It is not about saying something positive about yourself, no matter what. That is more of an affirmation. Affirmations are fine as well, but this mindfulness practice is a little different. Non-judgment about remaining gentle with yourself by neutralizing negativity. In doing so, it becomes easier to transition to a more body-positive, accepting view of you.