Remove Processed Foods
When you're detoxing the body, you need to eliminate processed foods from the diet. Replace foods like lunch meats chips, crackers, cheese, milk and bread with salads to better support the system. Stay away from anything that is fried or baked in excessive grease and avoid fatty cuts of beef, pork or lamb. Add more greens like kale, broccoli and spinach instead of snacking on junk foods. Since many greens are alkalizing, it can help the body ward off bacteria better. For example, parsley can also bind heavy metals like mercury so they can be extracted from your body, reported. Other alkalizing foods to consider are: carrots, figs, almonds, green beans and green tea. Additionally, artichokes, asparagus, apples, celery, parsley, basil, collards, cabbage and dandelion greens all work to cleanse the body and they extract toxins from the organs.