Emotional Vampires at Work
Contrary to what Bram Stoker wrote, the undead walk the streets during broad daylight. They show up in the morning to roam your office hallways, driven by the insatiable need of making you just one more slave to the undead. You might work alongside one. You might report to one. Or the real nightmare – you might be one. If you have ever found yourself face-to-face with a bloodsucker, EMOTIONAL VAMPIRES AT WORK: Dealing with Bosses and Coworkers Who Drain You Dry (McGraw-Hill Professional; May, 2013; Hardcover, $22.00) is the antidote. Clinical psychologist Albert Bernstein pinpoints how to identify and categorize the Vampire. You’ll be on the alert for attack signs, modify your behavior, step out of your own patterns (vampires can often get confused by the unexpected), and protect yourself from attacks on your sanity – what every emotional vampire craves.
About the Author: Albert J. Bernstein, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, speaker, columnist, and business consultant. Dr. Bernstein is well known for teaching people to confront difficult and frightening situations with wit, wisdom, grace, and liberal doses of humor. He is the author of Dinosaur Brains, Neanderthals at Work, and Sacred Bull. He lives in Portland, OR.