Bay leaves have a rich history entrenched in ancient Greece and Rome. The noble men of the time made their crowns out of the herbs. This meant that the person was either accomplished, a war hero, a king or sports star. A native of Asia Minor this strong musky herb was used during ancient times for health issues. Usage ranged from treating stomach probllems, liver problems, joint pain and kidney problems. It was steeped in hot water to make teas to also alleviate fevers. They were also crushed and added to soups and stews for flavor. Today bay leaves are just as beneficial as they can help fight colds, diabetes, digestion, boost the immune system and can improve the condition of the scalp. There are 5 different bay leaves: Mediterranean bay leaves, West Indian bay leaves, Indian bay leaves, California bay leaves and Indonesian bay leaves. People mostly stick to the Mediterranean for non-vegetarian meals and vegetarian meals. Here is how bay leaves may help what ails you.