
If you wake up feeling worn out or struggle to overcome the afternoon slump, these might be signs that different lifestyle factors are affecting your energy levels, leading to exhaustion and brain fog. When you're constantly on the move, it could be challenging to find ways to recharge.

However, most times, low energy levels can be fixed by making minor changes to your daily routine. Here are some ways that you can recharge and boost your energy levels.

Find healthy ways to deal with stress.

Unsurprisingly, emotional stress can wear you down because it dramatically impacts your physical well-being. If your stress levels are high, it can cause low energy levels. So how can you fight unchecked stress to increase your energy levels? The chief medical officer at the mental wellness app Real Dr. Nina Vansan, says it's vital to find ways to add mindfulness and meditation into your everyday routine, even if it's only for a few minutes a day. Experts also believe that finding coping skills that work for you may help, like reading something that makes you happy or journaling, can help you feel more energetic and help you destress.

Limit your caffeine intake.

When you feel tired, it's tempting to drink that third or fourth cup of coffee in the afternoon to recharge. However, intaking too much caffeine can have a contradictory effect, leaving you feeling sluggish. Drinking numerous caffeinated beverages during the day will likely affect your sleep, ultimately affecting your energy levels.

However, it's also important to acknowledge that suddenly cutting out caffeine can make you initially feel tired. When your body gets accustomed to caffeine as a stimulant, you can experience an energy slump when it's not present. Most experts suggest gradually cutting back the caffeine in your diet until you figure out what works best for you while saying no to that extra cup of Joe when you're tempted.

Establish a sleep routine.

Getting enough sleep is essential to boosting your energy during the day. However, your sleep quality can also impact your energy levels, not just the amount of sleep you get every night. Practicing good sleep hygiene can help you sleep more soundly and give you more energy the following day. Sleep hygiene involves creating habits like establishing a bedtime routine and lowering the lights at night. It's also essential to clear your mind by doing activities that you believe are relaxing. Even if you have good sleep hygiene, you may wake up feeling tired. If that's the case, you may have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea and need to visit your physician.

Move your body during the day.

Even a small amount of exercise in your day is vital to boosting your energy levels. Research shows that daily movement and exercise will increase your energy levels. You don't have to run five miles a day or lift weights to see the energizing benefits of exercise. Even low-impact movement can increase your hormone levels, and oxygen flows, giving you an increase in energy. Dr. Vasan says that's the first tip she gives anyone feeling fatigued.

Increase your water intake.

Dehydration is a frequent cause of low energy, and experts say the science behind it is straightforward. The red blood cells carry oxygen, so a round and plump red blood cell ideally allows for a total oxygen-carrying capacity. When we're dehydrated, the red blood cell shrivels, decreasing the ability of the cell to carry a whole load of oxygen. Low oxygen levels bring irritability, fatigue, and restlessness. If you struggle with remembering your water intake, try investing in a smart water bottle to guarantee your proper water intake.

Be mindful of your screen time at night.

Excessive screen time at night can also mess with your sleep cycle and energy the next day. Spending too much time watching TV, on your phone or computer can cause fatigue by . However, your time on your computer or phone during the day can also negatively impact your energy levels. Too much screen time brings eye fatigue, which may trigger headaches, making concentrating more difficult.

Living in a digital world can make spending extensive time looking at a screen feel unavoidable. To combat this, make the "20-20-20" rule a habit for fighting tiredness. The Harvard Business Review says when you're working on a laptop, take a break every 20 minutes and look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds to relax your eyes.

Don't skip meals.

You might feel groggier than usual if you've worked through your lunch break or skipped breakfast. It's normal to miss a meal, but you should make it a goal to eat nutrient-rich snacks and meals throughout the day to increase your energy levels. Our brains need nutrition to function correctly. Many people skip meals during the day, causing their blood sugar levels to rise and fall throughout the day. It would also help to avoid fad diets that encourage you to reduce your calorie intake or eliminate necessary food groups like carbohydrates, which can deprive you of energy.

It's not unusual to wake up feeling low on energy once in a while, but chronic fatigue could point to other underlying health issues. If you're getting enough sleep, eating well, moving during the day and exercising but still feel fatigued after two weeks, it may be time to talk to a medical professional. A consistent drop in energy can indicate various physical and mental health problems, ranging from benign to severe.

Ultimately, increasing your energy comes down to taking stock of your current habits and activities that could be draining you. Adding a few simple changes to your routine could be essential to beat the fatigue finally. Incorporating new things into your daily routine might be challenging, so opt for slowly adding things to your daily routine instead of trying everything at once. That way, you can figure out what works best for you without exhausting yourself. In the end, these small changes can drastically change your life.

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