Lack of a Plan
Most people approach weight loss by saying that they will “start eating better” and “exercising more,” but that is ineffective. A better plan is to write down a goal weight and a realistic time to achieve it, taking into account pitfalls such as a vacation, holiday, etc. Then set up exercise sessions, scheduling them like appointments. Start with 2 days a week for 20 minutes (or a slight increase of what you are doing currently) and gradually increase the number of days and/or minutes of activity. For your diet, use a published eating plan or program (Weight Watchers is one of the best) or cut out foods that are empty calories such as soda, sweets, chips, etc. Eat your meals on salad plates instead of dinner plates to control portions and limit eating out or consult calories guides before ordering.
“The wisdom of the shrewd enlightens their way, but the folly of fools is deceit.” - Proverbs 14:8