Strong woman

Our friend, Anita Goa, is back to kick our butt – for reals. Her Toned Butt Workout video will have your biscuits burning in no time. Although the focus is on the tush, you'll be working your quads, abs and arms as well. Keep your eyes on the prize: This hard work will help you master arm balances. Anita says, "From my butt to yours, I hope you enjoy and always make sure that you follow your own flow."

Click here for the video on Da Butt!

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    *Doing Da Butt was provided by alignyo.com, an online community connecting you to yoga. Our mission is to make yoga fun and accessible for everyone. We provide advice and recipes to fuel your practice, the latest yoga product reviews, curated at-home videos and local class suggestions. Everything you need to get on your mat. All rights reserved.

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