Do you find yourself constantly worrying about different things in your life and you find it difficult to stop?
The cycle of worrying and fear usually starts when a person begins to worry about something in their life. Eventually, the person starts to worry about other things in their life and this starts the cycle of worrying. Eventually, the person is so overwhelmed with their fearful thoughts and their “What If’s” that they are unable to get through the day.
This can lead to a constant state of worrying that a person can find difficult to stop. If you been down this road, you know what it is like to constantly worry about everything in your life. Being anxious and stressed out on a regular basis is no way to live your life. Most of the time, worrying exaggerates your fears and anxieties and this can make things even worse. The good news is that there are ways to stop your endless worrying.
Here are 7 steps a person can follow on how to stop your constant worrying in your life.
Determine the source of your fears and worries.
The first step to overcoming your worrying is in finding the source of your fears and being able to manage it. In dealing with any kinds of fears or anxieties, try to learn why you are anxious and fearful. Knowing what is causing your anxieties is the first step to stop your worrying. If you are not sure on where to start, then talk to a mental health counselor who can help you find the true source behind your fears and anxieties.
Learn to ignore the fear behind your worrisome thoughts.
A person who worries a lot usually finds themselves being bombarded by a lot of scary thoughts all at once. Instead of getting upset, remember that these thoughts are exaggerated and are not based on reality. Remember that it is the fear behind the thoughts that gets us worked up. Ignore the fear behind these negative and obsessive thoughts, regardless how the strong the fear may be. If you ignore the fear behind these thoughts, then the thoughts become easier to manage. Reducing your fears and anxieties will make it easier to stop your endless cycle of worrying.
Learn how to stop the cycle of worrying before it starts.
A person should visualize a red stop sign in their mind when they begin to worry about something that makes them anxious. When the negative thought comes, a person should think of a red stop sign that serves as a reminder to stop focusing on that thought and to think of something else. A person can then try to think of something positive to replace the negative thought. This will help the person from dwelling on scary and worrisome thoughts which leads to the endless cycle of worrying and other mental health issues. A counselor can help you with this process if you are not sure on how the process works.
Listen to the professionals and not your friends.
Many of your friends and loved ones will try to tell you to “snap out of it” if they know that you are a worrier. Your friends may mean well, but a lot of them do not have any idea of what it is like to constantly worry and not being able to stop. When it comes down to it, the mental health professionals know your situation more than anyone. The counselors know what you are going through and are trained to deal with your worrying situation. When you have questions about your anxieties and fears, your best bet is to consult with a professional and not your friends and relatives.
Know where to go for help.
Your family doctor is a great source in getting help for your mental health issues. Your local hospital is another place you can visit to find some kind of assistance. Hospitals know a lot of good counselors and mental health programs in the area and they can lead you in the right direction. A person can also talk to a priest or minister who can offer advice on where to go for help. Another way to find people who can relate to your struggles is to join a local mental health support group. A support group is a great way to talk to people who can relate to your situation.
Be patient with yourself. Worrying can be a habit.
Many people find that worrying can be a habit that is difficult to manage. Many people may have worried all of their life and may find it difficult to stop. Its important to be patient with yourself and that it may take some time to reduce your worrying. Educating yourself on how to break the worry habit is the first step in defeating your worrying. Do not get upset and frustrated if you do not succeed right away. It takes practice and some persistence in dealing with your fears, anxieties, and worries. In addition, learn from your experiences. If you try a certain technique that you find helpful, write it down on a piece of paper so you don’t forget what you did. The next time you start to worry, you can refer to your notes on what you did the last time. This will increase your chances of success.
Take it one day at a time.
It is important to things one day at a time when you start the process of overcoming your worries. Many people will find themselves worrying about what may happen down the road instead of focusing on the present. Instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week, try to focus on today. Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your worrying. You never know when the answers you are looking for will come to your doorstep. Focus on what you can do today instead of wondering what may or may not happen down the road.
All the worrying in the world will not change anything and worrying is a waste of your time and energy. Your best bet is to develop a plan to help address your stresses and anxieties in your life. Finding solutions to your stressful problems will go a long way in overcoming the worrying in your life. Remember, that all you can do is to do your best each day and take things in stride. If you still have trouble breaking the worrying habit, talking to a mental health counselor will be your best route in learning how to some your excessive worrying.