The most common health concern in America is obesity, substance abuse, hypertension, heart disease, cancer and depression. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 117 million people—had one or more chronic health conditions. "Two of these chronic diseases—heart disease and cancer—together accounted for nearly 48 percent of all deaths." Many of us are aware of the diseases we face and the toxins found in our foods and everyday products. Products like skin lotions, sunscreen and mouthwash are dangerous agents that may cause allergy-related symptoms or cancer. Exposure to the chemicals can be associated with autism, ADHD, behavior and developmental disorders in kids. With this, we often overlook what we are doing in our lives that encourage an unhealthy lifestyle, which fuels health difficulties. Over time what seems to be safe is actually pernicious. Here is a look at 6 everyday things you think are harmless that are destroying your health.