It is Okay to Squeeze a Pimple if it Has a Head
Though that whitehead or blackhead might prove irresistible to pop (I've been there myself), please, summon all your self-control and fight the urge. Squeezing a pimple will only make it more prominent, deeper, and more inflamed; it will actually make it stick around longer and leave a scar. Instead, rely on an over-the-counter treatment with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. If it's really swollen, ask your dermatologist to clear out the puss with a comedone extractor, or if you need that damn spot gone quickly, have them inject it with cortisone. Always remain hands off when it comes to pimples. That little squeeze can cause a whole range of issues like scarring, dark marks, and infection so it's best to leave it to the professionals.