6 Everyday Habits That Are Making You Bloated
"I swear my pants weren't this tight earlier today." We've all said it at one time or another. That's because bloating is one of the most common -- and obvious -- stomach complaints around, says David T. Rubin, M.D., fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology and chief of gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition at The University of Chicago Medicine. Many of his patients even snap "bloating selfies" to show how much their waistlines fluctuate throughout the day. (We won't blame you if you keep those off Facebook.)
Before you swear off baked beans for good, bloating, which is nothing more than excess air and gas trapped in your digestive tract (primarily in your 20-foot-long small intestines) comes down to way more than what you eat, he says. Check out these six small things that might be having a surprisingly big impact on your waistline.