Follow the Rainbow to Better Health
Here’s an easy way to increase the consumption of a variety of fruits and vegetables: think of the rainbow. Red plants such as apples, cabbage, grapes, red peppers and beets contain lycopene which has been shown to prevent cancer. Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables are rich in carotenoids, helping to maintain eye health and regulate the immune system while preventing cancer and heart disease. This food group includes cantaloupe, carrots, squash, pineapple, sweet potatoes and corn. Lutein and indoles are chemicals found in green produce like spinach, broccoli, peas, honeydew melon and kiwi. They also prevent cancer as well as birth defects, cataracts and macular degeneration. By eating more blue and purple plants, the body will reap the benefits of anthocyanins, which protect cells from damage. Foods in this group include raisins, eggplant, figs, and prunes. Blueberries are an especially powerful fruit because they are shown to improve memory and promote healthy aging. Finally, white fruits and vegetables contain allicin, a chemical that can lower cholesterol and blood pressure while also reducing heart disease and stomach cancer risks by eating potatoes, bananas, ginger, jicama and parsnips