2019-03-28 2019-03-28

A life without caffeine makes many sob and rightfully so. We love it and can't get enough of it. Caffeine is a mood-altering drug that many of us indulge and lean on to help us power through our day. Espresso, coffee, soda and tea, it does not matter where it lives--we need it. Caffeine consumption is widespread in the United States, with 85 percent of the population drinking at least 1 caffeinated beverage per day, the National Consumers League found. "Caffeine is one of the most scrutinized substances studied and dissected. It has been surveyed, assessed and analyzed by chemists, toxicologists and statisticians." We heard that some caffeine is good for you. It can boost moods, reduce the risks of liver cancer and help people concentrate better. Now, here is the downside of this beloved drug. Caffeine is absorbed within 30-45 minutes and leaves you with withdrawals like headaches, stomachaches, mood swings, nervousness and can make you vitamin deficit. It may cause an irregular heartbeat and breathing problems as well. In the end, there is hope to live a life without caffeine, even if you are addicted. Here 6 things to consider.

Get moving.It is the middle of the day and you need something to get you through. The first thought is to run for the caffeine, especially if this has been a lifelong habit. The last thing you want to do is go exercise, but it will boost your energy levels. “Exercise has consistently been linked to improved vigor and overall quality of life,” said Kerry J. Stewart, professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “People who become active have a greater sense of self-confidence. But exercise also improves the working efficiency of your heart, lungs and muscles." She shared that exercise improves the fuel efficiency for the body and you don't need much. The slightest bit of exercise will give you a needed boost in the afternoon. Take a walk, do planks, jumping jacks or if you have access to a bike, work your legs, arms and cardiovascular system by doing a lap.

Drink more water.Another way to pursue a life without caffeine is to make sure you're not dehydrated. Being dehydrated will make you feel exhausted, prompting you to grab a can of soda. Dehydration happens when the body loses water with more liquid coming out of the body through our cells than what we are taking in. You can tell if you're dehydrated by checking out the color of your urine. Most of us know that when our pee is clear, it is a sign that we are hydrated. if the color is a dark yellow, you may want to skip the caffeine and drink water. Although remaining hydrated is good, you don't want to drink too much water as it can dilute the salts and throw off the electrolytes in the body.

Start eating natural energy boosters.Before guzzling another espresso, aim to have a piece fruit for a physical boost. The natural sugars found in fruit will provide a much needed pick me up. Instead of your morning coffee make a breakfast smoothie with Greek yogurt, raspberries, bananas and strawberries to help you focus. Try to have some type of food in the morning or your blood sugar will be low, tempting you to go for caffeine and sugar. Consume more blueberries, cherries, oranges and beets, which are rich in vitamin C as these keep you from crashing during the day.

Get more sleep.We know that sleep is important, but how important? There are an estimated "70 million Americans are affected by chronic sleep disorders and intermittent sleep problems that can significantly diminish health, alertness and safety," the National Sleep Foundation found. A lack of sleep may lead to high-blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, stroke, depression and diabetes. Being sleep deprived will cause mood disturbances, headaches, ailments, like aches and pains. This could also weaken the immune system. With more illnesses, the fewer sleep people will receive. In addition, being tired all the time from a lack of sleep will drive you towards caffeine.

Be more positive.What is the purpose to remain positive? Plenty! People who are positive have more energy since being a downer makes you emotionally drained. Stop giving away your precious time and energy to negativity. Every time you concentrate on the negative or are stressing all the time, you are just depleting the body. Take another course when negativity is taking over and let it go. "Instead of hanging on to ideas, beliefs, and even people that are no longer healthy for them, they trust their judgment to let go of negative forces in their lives," Lifehack suggested. Give yourself a week to cut back on the caffeine while upping your good vibes and see what happens. Record the times where you caught yourself holding onto the negativity. This will help you create healthy habits for your mental health and physical health as well.

Make sure you are getting enough B12.

Insufficient B12 levels can lead to fatigue, anxiety, depression and mood changes “Why is a lack of B12 of such concern? In the short term, insufficient B12 levels can lead to deep fatigue, mood changes and dementia-like qualities, preventing you from feeling your best and performing at your highest energy level,” said Dr. Oz explained. Find healthy, quick snacks in between those meals keep your energy and metabolism stable. Eat Granola, nuts or protein shakes are great to keep you going. Add apples and pineapple to a salad for a mid-day snack for a boost

Caffeine is a close buddy to many of us, and it is hard to end the relationship. The beginning won't be easy, like most breakups, but you could see a vast improvement in your overall well-being.

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