2016-12-28 2016-12-28

How You Find Joy in Every New Day

When you wake up in the morning, do you feel refreshed and ready to greet the day? How do you celebrate the present moment and "live fresh" in your life?

Our readers shared the ways they bring a sense of fresh newness into each day, hour, moment of their lives. 

Click through our garden of refreshing tips and see which ones speak to you on your journey to wholeness and joy.

Acknowledge Nature

"Acknowledge nature - take a walk or look out the window. Write something every day. Have a sensory experience of touching a flower, tree bark or a leaf. Put aside some pampering time each day to do something special for yourself. Smile at everyone you meet."

--Lady of Light

Love... Just Love

"How beautiful it could be if we could only love each other. Always."

--Dibban Guha

Visualize Beauty

"Creative visualization really works! Go after what you want in life, meditate, and beautiful things happen. Sometimes images flow into your mind effortlessly that are more beautiful than you could ever have imagined. Incredible things can happen as long as you keep your mind open and your intentions pure. Change can be a second chance at life."

--Rayna Stark

Open Your Heart to Change

"You cannot change what you will not admit. In order to live fresh, you have to identify what needs to be discarded. A superficial change will not sustain your core values. Examine honestly."


Live with Gratitude

"Live each day like it's your last day on this earth, be kind, be fair, but most of all LOVE one another."

--Doreatha Brannon

Celebrate Good Memories

"Remember the good memories that shine in your heart and let that light shine through you and out to others always."


Take Nothing for Granted

"We need to stop taking each other for granted. We are only here for a brief moment. So let's enjoy each other while we are here, for tomorrow is not a promise."

--Shirley McCain

The Challenge of the Moment

"It's so wonderful and yet so difficult to live in the moment."


Live 'Fresh'

F- Free yourself of expectations.
R- Realize that every moment counts.
E- Eat more chocolate.
S- Service to others.
H- Heal your heart.

--Jennifer Mazzucco

Embrace Today

Today I see the beauty in each day.

Today life is filled with caring, sharing, loving.

Today is about acceptance of others, and myself.

Today cannot be replaced.


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