We never have enough time to tackle the insane to-do lists at work, home or at school. We are a fatigued nation of people overworked, overspent, unhealthy and let's face it we are running on fumes of caffeine and sugar. The reasons that were in such a mess could be that our adrenal glands are overworked, we're physical and mentally wasted or we have a poor diet. “Fatigue is the No. 1 complaint I hear from my patients and from the general public,” said Beverly Hills author and endocrinologist Eva Cwynar, M.D. “Women are told it’s either in their head or it’s because they’re having kids, raising kids, managing the household, working too hard or getting old." Some experts believe this is also the age tiredness. We have the inability to switch off and to relax. This can come from the overuse of technology, checking emails when we should be resting, work demands or obligations at home. Americans are not sleeping well and it's making matters worse. Forty-five percent of Americans are sleeping 7 hours a night and they still reported feeling tired or fatigued. If we can barely get out of bed during the week and are overusing the snooze button on the weekends, there needs to be a rescue. Here are 6 simple methods on how to enhance our energy.