Vitamin D3 is normally produced in our bodies by exposure to sunlight, or obtained from our diets in foods that contain Vitamin D3 like fortified-milk, some cereals, orange juice, oily fish (e.g., salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel), cod fish, shrimp, eggs, and dietary supplements. Due to our obsession with avoiding wrinkles, and concerns over skin cancer, most of us completely cover our skin with sunscreen and protective clothing year-round. We don’ get any type of sun exposure on a regular basis, so we don’ make enough Vitamin D3 in our skin. Combined with our deteriorating diets that are increasingly filled with poorer food containing little to no Vitamin D3, it is simple math. We don’t make enough in our skin, or eat enough in our diets, to lower our cancer risks. At my urging, most of my family members and friends have tested their Vitamin D3 levels by now. Their doctors were usually surprised or puzzled when they ask to be tested. However, when the test results often found “critically low” Vitamin D3 levels, the doctors started testing others. Many of the doctors have now tested their entire patient bases. Vitamin D3 testing is critical for everyone, so make sure you share this information with your doctor. You can help save lives.