Foods that Make Indigestion Worse
Oh, the foods that makes indigestion worse for us. Here are drinks to avoid if you’re dealing with indigestion. It is that uneasy feeling of burning in the upper part of the stomach. Indigestion causes nausea, vomiting, bloating, and gas. Finding relief is important, but so is prevention. Certain foods can trigger an attack like dairy, meats, coffee, carbonated drinks and acidic fruits like oranges or grapefruits are also to blame for indigestion. About 44 percent of Americans have heartburn once a month, Dr. Mark Hymen, author of the 10-Day Detox Diet Cookbook wrote. There are “Acid-blocking drugs or what we call PPIs like Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec—that little purple pill—are the third most prescribed medications in the country.” It tells us Americans are stressed, need to eat better, and work on not eating before bedtime.