Mixed urinary incontinence refers to a patient having a combination of both stress and urge UI.
Overflow Incontinence
Overflow incontinence refers to leakage of small amounts of urine without the urge to void, or the inability to urinate normal volumes. Women sometimes suffer overflow incontinence because of excessive narrowing of the urethra. Because they can’t empty the bladder, they’re carrying excess urine at all times, and the bladder has to get some of it out, which it does by "overflowing."
Total Incontinence
Total incontinence is exactly that – a complete absence of control, either involving continuous leakage or periodic uncontrolled emptying of the bladder.
Enuresis (or nocturnal enuresis) is the term that refers both to bedwetting in children who are theoretically old enough to be toilet-trained, and to adults who experience loss of bladder control at night.
Nocturnia is the frequent need to get up to void during the course of the night, a problem that often affects men with prostate difficulties.
Decreased Bladder Compliance
Decreased bladder compliance is a failure to store urine in the bladder caused by a loss of bladder wall elasticity and of bladder accommodation. This condition may result from radiation cystitis or from inflammatory bladder conditions, such as chemical cystitis, interstitial cystitis and certain neurologic bladder disorders.
Involuntary Detrusor
Involuntary detrusor contraction is a cause of UI that results from uncontrolled contractions of the detrusor.
Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency
Intrinsic sphincter deficiency (ISD) is a cause of stress UI in which the urethral sphincter is unable to contract and generate sufficient resistance in the bladder. ISD may be due to congenital sphincter weakness, or it may develop in the wake of a prostatectomy (radical prostate surgery), trauma or radiation therapy.