2022-09-14 2022-09-14

Richard Pryor

"If I thought about it, I could be bitter, but I don't feel like being bitter. Being bitter makes you immobile, and there's too much that I still want to do."

Montel Williams

"You can talk yourself into a good emotional state. I stop for a second, take a deep breath, and think about something that's beautiful. A beautiful thought for me is cutting the umbilical cord for my child. I can guarantee you that your emotional state will change."

Jack Osbourne

"Adapt and overcome is my new motto."

Michaele Salahi

"I want America to know that you can still have a full, exciting and productive life even if you or your loved one is battling a debilitating, chronic disease such as MS."

Richard Cohen

"Success for me revolves around pursuing what it is I enjoy, doing it well and learning to balance the professional with the personal."

Tamia Hill

After educating herself about MS, Tamia now strives to make others more aware of the disease and the fact that an MS diagnosis does not mean an end to one's hopes and dreams. "I went through 'I'm not telling anyone.' Now I think it's important to share it. It doesn't have to be a death sentence."

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