man with arthritis

Arthritis is a commonly-diagnosed inflammatory condition, being accompanied by some discomforting symptoms, such as stiffness, pain and, of course, inflammation. While there are many treatments out there that can be used to improve a person’s symptomatology, and thus the overall quality of life, it might interest you to know that a change in the diet can be just as efficient. In this article, we will talk about simple food swaps that you can make, to ease your arthritic pain. Keep on reading and discover the foods that you need to eliminate, as they make the inflammation worse, as well as those that should be consumed more often.

Foods that help you fight inflammation.

All the different types of arthritis have one thing in common, and that is inflammation. Regardless of the reason for which the condition has appeared in the first place, it is important to fight it with the right weapons. Apart from medication and physical therapy, the diet can be of invaluable help in the fight against arthritis. And the good news is that there are plenty of foods out there, which present anti-inflammatory properties. Spices can have similar properties, so these are beneficial as well.

Anti-inflammatory foods send active substances at the level of the joints, providing the necessary lubrication and reducing the intensity and frequency of upsetting symptoms. Fish is the number one food you should consider including in your diet, as it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Among the most recommended types of fish to be consumed, there are salmon, mackerel, and sardines. Two servings per week are enough to bring down the inflammation. The same goes for healthy oils, especially extra-virgin olive oil and even walnut oil. Last, but not least, you have spices, such as turmeric and many others. Ginger can also be consumed for similar purposes, as well as different supplements (fish oil for example).

Green tea is not only a delicious and decaffeinated beverage but also one that is high in antioxidants and nutrients. It represents the perfect choice to bring down the inflammation, supporting the health of the joints. It is especially recommended for patients who are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, a condition that can become invalidating in the severe forms. Two servings per day are enough to keep the inflammation under control, regardless of whether you prefer the tea hot or cold.

Dark chocolate is often presented as an alternative to various sweets and for the right reasons. It is rich in antioxidants and, thus, serves a similar purpose as the green tea, meaning to keep the inflammation under control. It is important to consume dark chocolate that has at least 60% of cocoa content, as this offers the highest dose of antioxidants and the least amount of sugar. The one thing to keep in mind is moderation, in order not to consume too many calories at once.

There are plenty of other foods that can be consumed on a daily basis, given their highly beneficial anti-inflammatory properties. Among these, there are berries, apples, nuts and seeds.

Foods that make the inflammation worse.

The diet is considered one of the most important contributing factors to inflammatory conditions, arthritis included. This is because many of the foods we consume make the inflammation worse, leading to more severe pain and reduced range of motion. For this reason, it is important to be aware of these foods and try to gradually eliminate them from the diet. You can replace them with healthy alternatives and, soon, you will notice the difference whereas your symptomatology is concerned.

What are some of the foods that can make matters worse? Well, two of them you are probably consuming on a regular, if not, daily basis. These are the common white potatoes, used in a wide range of meals and tomatoes, which, let’s face it, everyone loves. Eggplants also cause similar problems, as well as different spices, such as pepper and paprika. These are the foods that you should avoid, especially if you are suffering from a more severe form of arthritis. As you have seen, there are plenty of other foods you can consume, to bring down the inflammation.

Gluten is another matter to take into consideration, as this substance is often responsible for the inflammatory processes within your body, including at the level of the joints. Gluten intolerance is a serious matter and, often, a gluten-free diet allows patients diagnosed with arthritis to enjoy a better quality of life. If you want to improve your quality of life as well and reduce the intensity of your symptoms, you should consider eliminating all grains from the diet. This is especially valid for wheat, which is considered to be an essential element behind gluten intolerance and the problems that come with it.

Food allergies should also be taken into consideration, as these can lead to inflammation and make a condition such as arthritis worse. Most of the times, people know the foods they are allergic to, but, in some cases, they are not aware that it is their diet that is responsible for the symptomatology of their condition. A doctor can test you for different food allergies so that you know what kind of foods should be avoided. These allergens, upon being eliminated from the diet, will no longer lead to pain and inflammation.

Must Watch: Foods that fight arthritis pain I wish I knew earlier

Now, here comes the final advice of your problem, if you suffer from arthritis, it is important to take all measures to improve your quality of life. A few changes in your daily diet and lifestyle can make a great difference, so make sure to organize your list with allowed and forbidden foods. You can also take some joint pain supplements to improve the experienced symptomatology, such as Osteo Bi-Flex. This product can help reduce the pain, stiffness, and inflammation experienced, increasing the overall range of motion.

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