Full of Vitamins
Dark beers have the most antioxidants, carry more vitamins, and help cholesterol. “The hops, yeast, and grains in beer contribute carbohydrates, a small amount of B vitamins, and potassium. But don't plan to get your nutrients from beer, or to drink beer or any other alcoholic beverage for health benefits. And if you don't drink now, most health experts don't recommend that you start," WebMD offered. Again, everything needs to be in moderation as you can gain weight and dehydrate from drinking too much alcohol. The consequences are great when there is excess.The bottom line here is just because it can be good, doesn't mean we can chug gallons of the golden or dark brew without the negative consequences. We know the reasons are the more you drink the more at risk you put yourself with other diseases, and then the good news just fades away. Drink dark brews, but be wise.