Watch What You Drink
When it comes to staying fit without dieting, what you drink is as important as what you eat. Soft drinks, such as soda, are packed with sugar. This means that they are packed with calories and often surprisingly high in fat. In fact, some sodas are higher in calories than alcoholic beverages and can have as many calories as a piece of cake. As such, your healthy lunch will do you no good if you wash it down with some soda.
If you are looking to stay fit and stay off a diet, you should be wary of energy drinks and sports drinks as well as sodas. Both energy drinks and sports drinks are often, like soda, high in sugar. If you are desperate for a flavored drink, juice is better than processed drinks, but even then, you need to keep it to a minimum. Fruit and vegetable juices tend to be high sugar as well.
Water is your best bet when you want to stay fit. Plain water has no calories and will keep your body in the best condition. Water helps you feel energized and keeps headaches, muscle aches, cramps and dry eyes at bay. It can also keep you from feeling hungry.
If you are someone who simply cannot stand the idea of drinking plain water, drink herbal tea. The calorie count is extremely low and many of the herbs used have advantageous properties. Avoid the coffee, however, unless you drink it black. A latte with two shots of syrup may as well be a dessert.