7 Ways to Revitalize Your Passion for Life
We’ve been fortunate enough to survive the “me” generation to learn that life is much more inclusive than it used to be. Thanks to social media, “me” exploded into “we,” and a socially conscious generation was born. What was once considered personal fulfillment has changed for the better. Let’s have a little fun, shall we? Even if you were born circa 1990 or later, we’re pretty sure you’ll enjoy this quick reprise of a few of you or your parents’ greatest hits. You might even laugh out loud to discover how seriously you took life back then.
A few decades ago, you may remember that life got really big. Big hair, big shoulders, big houses and big mini-vans. Music videos and Madonna’s material world allowed us to dream bigger than we ever had before. We thought we’d finally made it, and that there was no turning back as to what we could personally achieve. Not only were our prospects for a better quality of life opening up wide, women began to have more choices than just motherhood, teaching, nursing or secretarial positions. Race relations were improving, the Berlin wall fell, Gorbachev was in office, and space shuttles were orbiting the Earth.
It was the Me generation. Individual expression was “bustier”-ing out all over in shocking new ways. We fretted over our children’s self-esteem, the number of orgasm’s we were having, and making sure we kept up with the latest fads and trends.