2019-12-20 2019-12-20

Lent Prayers for Strength and Endurance

Compiled by Kimberly Winston

During Lent, Christians focus on prayer and meditation. Here are set of prayers on the theme of strength and patience that can be used as stand alone prayers during Lent and beyond. For those who are interested, they can also be used with the Anglican or Protestant rosary—a set of prayer beads with 33 beads, one for each year of Jesus’ earthly life—they can also be used as stand-alone prayers in your quiet time.

Click here for instructions on how to use the Anglican and Protestant rosary.

Click here to start praying the Lent prayers for strength and endurance.

Instructions for Using Anglican or Protestant Prayer Beads

The Anglican rosary has a stem with a cross and an invitatory bead followed by a circlet of four cruciform beads separating sets of seven weeks beads.

To use them, hold the rosary in your dominant hand, and beginning with the cross, say the first prayer. Move to the invitatory bead and its prayer, and then continue through the circlet of beads, reciting one prayer per bead. You may say the prayers for the circlet once, twice or three times around before returning to the invitatory bead and the cross.

Start praying the Lent prayers for strength and endurance.

Photo Credit: Andy Lyons

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