Meaty Meeting What do you call it when 10 Jews sitting at the same table order steaks? Filet minyan. function validateCheck(){ var validEmail; f = document.newsLetter email = f.emailID if(!email.value || email.value.length<=2 || (email.value.indexOf("@",0)==-1 || email.value.indexOf(".",0)==-1)) { alert("Please fill out a valid email address.") email.focus() } else{validEmail="true";} if(validEmail=="true"){return true;} else return false; } function removeText(){ if(document.newsLetter.emailID.value=="enter email"){ document.newsLetter.emailID.value=""; } } var;.ns{ font-size:8pt; }.cbSmall{ height:8pt; font-size:10pt; }.email{ font-size:9pt; } Enter your e-mail address to get our upcoming daily Religious Joke of the Day newsletter. document.newsLetter.redirectPage.value=thepath; if(document.all){document.newsLetter.emailID.size=16;}